„Dr. Shashi Praetorius has asked us to volunteer at the Kalindi Hospital, which is supported by the Praetorius Foundation. The cause or trigger was a patient with extreme Pierre Robin Syndrome. Heinz Schoeneich, who had already made an assignment there, forwarded the request to me.
The team consisted of Ales Stanek (endoscopic intubation with Pierre Robin!), Sandra Stauber, who completed her first interplast mission mediated by Hajo Schneck and the section leader, who had the task somehow to help the girl to get a more normal mandible.
Of course, we did a lot of other surgeries over the 5 days of surgery, including a microsurgical reconstruction of the sole of a boy who was so heartbreaking in his grief that Sandra almost wanted to adopt him. Shashi asked us to come back in 2017. Let’s see who we can win for this.“
– Article: Interplast Germany e. V. (translation: GMP Foundation)